Wednesday, 25 February 2015

My first venture into the blogging world!

Hello there,

Finally entered the world of blogging, I'm rather clueless as to how this whole thing works but I'm sure as I go on I'll get the hang of it.
I plan to associate and be enthusiastic about my own thoughts, beauty and my own fashion. I'm sure if you spoke to people I know they'd tell you I spend a lot of time in the mirror, playing with makeup, trying on new clothes and looking at new styles, I like trying out new things. I have a ridiculous amount of passion for makeup application & I'm forever spending my money on the stuff and looking at ways to improve how my makeup looks. Along the way I hope to pick up other tips looking at different blogs and following, commenting and reading their advise. 
Just a little more about me - I'm 16 years old, I currently am a student at college and within the next few months I'll be starting my beauty therapy course (how fitting!) which will give me ideas about what to blog about in the future, I also have a huge obsession with pugs which will become apparent on my blog and very soon there will be the arrival of a little pug puppy which I'm very excited about I'll kick start the beauty off very shortly. 

MWAH! xxx  <a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>


  1. I just started too ;)

  2. I just started too ;)
